Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Gazing into the eyes of eternity, I behold infinity...stars...tens...hundreds...thousands...millions...countless glistening dewdrops on the seamless pentacle of infinite space...spawning, living, dying over an over in the eternal time dust to star ash to star ash.
Everytime, when I first raise my eyes skywards to soak in the magic of the night sky, I see all the familiar stars...those which make up the Orion or the Big Bear (depending on the time of the year) and the planets...Mercury or Venus (depending on the time of the night)...and I am tempted to shrug my shoulders and say,"Huh! So what's new out there?" Then just when I am about to turn my eyeballs backs to the daily chores of mundane existence, a teeny-weeny sparkle in the sky catches my eye, which I had missed there I am squinting hard at it to make sure if it's for real or not when I see another one! Oops! There's another I'd missed...and one there...and another here...and there...and there, here...right over the tip of my could I have possibly missed that!
And so the night sky never ceases to fascinate...what with the stars playing hide seek and streaks of light flashing across it which turn out to be shooting stars rather than aeroplanes if I am really lucky.
The moon of course, is not to be forgotten...white, chaste, virginal, calm, much nearer than the stars, yet distant and aloof in its own way...the lonely sentinel- alone in a crowd, perhaps by choice, perhaps by fate. When full and rotund he peeps at me from between the leaves of a tree, flooding my room with his light...and something more, casting mysterious shadows on the walls- takes my breath away. To look at that waxing and waning crescent is like seeing myself change...on the inside.
The clouds are loved best when they play hide and seek with the moon...chasing him across the skies- hide- seek, seek- hide. Like flamboyant stokes of paint on a shimmering canvas...sometimes rain laden orange...sometimes cotton like plain white.
The it what you dark, so solemn, so powerful, so empty...brought to life by this puppet show of stars, the planets, the moon, other moons, shooting stars, clouds...extra terrestrial life, eh? It is the womb of creation- where the first birth took place and so will the last death...where Eternity and Infinity walk hand in one day each one of us will...Amen!


Blogger Unknown said...

Nice description about this arcane universe!!!!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Thursday's Child said... always, beautifully left wishin it was night right now so tht i could actually glance at those 'n' billion stars out there....

10:46 AM  
Blogger SHAIK of Hyderabad said...

Well, another blog about NOTHING! What is the moral of the story instru? Write something about YOU atleast, rather than the pointless holistics.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...its me...what do i write for this...just that i am really heart broken...u wont write a line when i asked u too esp. on my b'day...but look here...dont know what i is just too good eyes are wet after reading this, without exaggerations..believe me..i am really very proud of you

2:00 PM  
Blogger FA said...

I love the night and the stars and i was thinking of writing a blog for the same .. this is beyond my imagination ..

great job .. i'll b visiting ur blog frequently now :)

9:57 PM  
Blogger pranay said...


10:36 AM  

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